All articles are checked for plagiarism and reviewed by members of the journal's editorial board or external reviewers.

Length: Articles of at least 5 pages (including abstract, introduction, main section, conclusions, and references) are accepted for publication.
Language of publication: Russian or English.
Format: Articles must be prepared in Microsoft Word in .doc, .docx formats.
A scientific article must be formatted strictly according to the publisher's requirements. Incorrectly formatted articles will be returned to the author for revision.

You can simplify the formatting process by using our template.
Technical Requirements
Page Size: A4, portrait orientation, margins – 2 cm on all sides. Pages are not numbered. Font: Times New Roman, 14 pt, black. Text Alignment: Justified, with no indentations or spacing. Indentation only for paragraphs – 1 cm. Line spacing: 1.5. Spacing before/after text: 0 pt (layout tab, spacing).

Figures: All figures in the text should be referenced in square brackets [source number for borrowed images]. Figures should be horizontally aligned in the center of the page without paragraph indentation. All figures must be referenced in the text. The figure caption should be placed below the figure and labeled as Figure 1 (2, 3, etc.).

The figure caption should look as follows:
Example: Figure 4. Internal combustion engine (ICE) operation diagram [1]
Don't put a dot at the end of the description.

Example: Currently, ICEs are considered the most efficient engines in terms of efficiency. The authors studied the classical ICE operation diagram (fig. 4) and proposed...

All charts, figures, and images in English-language articles must be in English. Images should not occupy more than 20% of the article's main text.
Sections of the article should not end with images/tables, text should always follow them.

Tables: Tables should be horizontally centered on the page without paragraph indentation. The table caption should be above the table, aligned to the right, and labeled as:
Table 1 (2, 3, etc.). The text description of the table.

All tables in the text must be referenced.
Example: The authors analyzed the employee satisfaction level at the "Romashka" enterprise over the period from 2015 to 2023, and the results are presented in Table 1 / (tab. 1.).
Both notations are acceptable.

Example: Table 1. Analysis of employee satisfaction with the work environment at the "Romashka" enterprise
Don't put a dot at the end of the table description. The font size in tables should be 10-12 pt. Line spacing can be reduced to 1 pt. If a table is split across pages, column headings should be repeated on the next page. Indicate "Table x continued"/"Table x concluded" as appropriate.

Tables should not occupy more than 20% of the text volume. Sections of the article should not end with images/tables, text should always follow them.

Formulas: Always placed in a separate line in the text. Symbols in formulas should be explained immediately below the formula in the same order as they appear in the formula. The first line of the explanation should begin with the word "where". Formulas should be numbered throughout the text using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) in parentheses. The formula number should be aligned to the right, and the formula itself centered. Formulas should be inserted either through Word (Insert section, New Equation) or via the MathType application.

References: References to scientific sources should be indicated in square brackets, in the order they appear in the text. References don't have to be listed in the article's conclusions. If there are multiple sources, list them with commas [1, 2], [1, 4, 6]. For consecutive sources, use the following format [1, 4-6] (referring to sources 1, 4, 5, 6).

Reference List: Formatted according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The article must contain at least 5-6 references, and for research relevance, we recommend to use sources from the last 5-7 years. Sources should be cited in the introduction and the main part, but not in the conclusions.
Author information: The academic degree, academic title, and position should be indicated in lowercase letters.
Example: candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, senior lecturer.
For students and independent researchers: (indicate your current academic program or the highest degree obtained) Bachelor, Master, Doctor of Sciences, PhD, Student, Supervisor, Specialist, etc.
On the next line, provide the full name of the institution, country, and city (where the institution is located).

Article title: Font – bold, non-italicized, Times New Roman 14, line spacing – 1.5, alignment – centered. The title should not exceed 12-15 words.

Abstract and keywords: Times New Roman 14, single line spacing, justified alignment, 5-8 keywords.


Depending on the language you will be publishing the article in, download:
Publisher: Cold Science, IP Abdullina Leila (Tbilisi)
Editor-in-Chief: Kapralova Darya
Publisher Address: Tbilisi, Gudamakari Street, 2, 0178
Online Publisher
Secretary: Maria Korneva
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