All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism.

All articles undergo double-blind peer review. The editorial board consists of candidates and doctors of sciences. The editorial team reserves the right to engage external specialists for the peer review of scientific articles, whose expertise and education align with the themes of the submitted works.
The originality of the text of a scientific article must be over 80%. Articles with a lower level of uniqueness are returned to the author for revision.
1.Receipt of the article for review
Upon receiving an article, the journal secretary determines:
  • compliance of the article's topic with the journal's profile;
  • adherence to formatting requirements;
  • level of originality of the materials.
If everything is in order, the secretary forwards the article for review to an internal or external reviewer—an expert, doctor, or candidate of sciences with a specialization closely related to the article's topic.

2.Article review
The review period for an article is up to 10 days. Each article undergoes a stage of double blind peer review before a decision is made regarding its publication.
The review addresses the following questions:
  • Does the content of the article correspond to the topic stated in the title?
  • Does the article align with current achievements in the stated field?
  • Is the material presented correctly in terms of style (the style of scientific articles is dry and academic), clarity of graphic elements, diagrams, illustrations, and formulas?
  • Is the publication of the article justified considering the novelty of the results obtained?
  • Are corrections and additions needed in the article's text for publication?
  • Is the article recommended or not recommended for publication in the journal Cold Science? If recommended, are factual corrections necessary in the text?
  • All internal reviews are certified by the publisher; all reviews conducted by external reviewers are certified according to the procedures established at the institution where the reviewer works.
If the review contains recommendations for revising the article, the secretary of the journal Cold Science sends the author's remarks from the reviewer with a suggestion to consider them when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with arguments. The revised article is then submitted for re-review.
An article not recommended for publication by the reviewer is not accepted for reconsideration.

3.Sending the conclusion to the author (via email)
4.Sending the author an invoice for publication expenses
Only after the editorial board of the journal Cold Science decides to allow the article for publication is an invoice issued to the author to cover the publishing costs for review and publication. The author informs the journal via email about the payment received (with a receipt or screenshot of the payment). The journal, in turn, informs the author about the publication timeline.

The journal's publication is planned for 14 days after the closing of submissions for the current issue, with the assignment of ISBN, UDC, and BBK.

Indexing in scientific databases occurs 15 days after the article is accepted for publication.
If an article submitted to and published in the journal is subsequently placed by the author in another journal, Cold Science reserves the right to retract the article from its database, website and indexations.

Furthermore, the journal will not accept articles from such an author for publication in the future.
Copyright Policy
By agreeing to publish in the journal Cold Science, authors consent to the transfer of their article materials and personal data to the journal, as well as the full-text placement of the article on the journal's resources. Authors' personal data is guaranteed to be used solely for the purpose of publishing the article and cannot be used for other purposes.

Authors whose articles have successfully passed the review process and who have paid for editorial and publishing services grant Cold Science the right to exclusive publication of the article that has not been published elsewhere. After publication, authors retain full copyright to the materials of their article.

After publication, authors have the right to disseminate (including on social media) the materials of the collection that includes their scientific article, as well as to reference their article with the publication details.


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Publisher: Cold Science, IP Abdullina Leila (Tbilisi)
Editor-in-Chief: Kapralova Darya
Publisher Address: Tbilisi, Gudamakari Street, 2, 0178
Online Publisher
Secretary: Maria Korneva
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